搜索 Andrew

  • 弗洛伊德的最后一会HD
  • 在艾美奖获奖剧集“Fraggle Rock: Back to the Rock”的第二季中,重新启动了Jim Henson心爱的经典“Fraggle Rock”,Fraggles回来进行更多史诗般的有趣冒险!这一次,随着巨大的变化影响着岩石,Fraggles, Doozers和Gorgs,他们将被迫面对他们的过去,庆祝他们的相互依存,因为他们带着希望,愚蠢和全新的歌曲一起度过挑战,所有的烦恼都在Fr…
  • 20世纪上半叶,战火蔓延全世界。日军的铁蹄践踏东南亚,英属殖民地新加坡自然无法幸免。新加坡沦陷后,在名为樟宜的地方,成千上万的人血染海滩,传闻当地的兵舍更设有酷刑室对民众进行惨无人道的折磨。二战结束后,兵舍改为樟宜医院,然而此处闹鬼的传闻却不断风传,愈演愈烈。最终樟宜医院宣布废弃,成为无人敢于靠近的凶宅。不过,仍然有许多…
  •   A city PR girl goes on the run accused of leaking information from the military supply company where she works. Chased by ex-soldiers she hides with her brother, a member of a shadowy hacker group, and has to choose between her luxury li…
  • Three showgirls on their way to Las Vegas have car trouble and are stuck all night out in the desert. The next morning cheerful Andre offers them help in fixing their car. However, Andre is really a maniac with a lot of family problems; his mother ran out on him when he was a child so now he keeps kidnapped women chain…
  • Feature length adaptation of the cult British zom-com web series following the adventures of three inept survivors of a zombie apocalypse through a video blog they maintain to ease the boredom of day to day survival.
  • 故事讲述三个年轻人去当地医生家里进行偷窃,意想不到的是,医生提前回到了家中。
  • In this unique take on the infamous Manson murders we follow two generations of chilling real life events which occur at 10050 Cielo Drive, one of America's most notorious addresses.
  • A couple of Australians introduce three American backpackers to the local legend of Lemon Tree Passage where a ghost of a motorcyclist warns young drivers to slow down. After seeing the ghost first hand they uncover a malevolent force that posses the area and threatens to wreak havoc on the final days of their vacation…
  • 善意的科学家想试图开发一种新的绿色能源来解救弗兰肯斯坦的大海。这一切基于这片人们赖以生存的海域遭到了污染和破坏。起初一直生活在这附近的人们都喜欢这一片海,有很多美好回忆。近期海域出现了令人恐怖的“电波”,水中的电量足以让游水的人们致命,究竟是什么让海域变得如此恐怖?善意的科学家想试图开发一种新的绿色能源来解救弗兰肯斯坦…