搜索 伊东红

  • AV偶像HD
    The AV idols have moved to a farm village!Tokyo AV idol Yumi hides her past and marries Dae-soon, a Korean man. She's become the wife of the head of youth and the one and only postman in the village. She's the envy of everyone but only for a while. One day, AV movie makers visit Dae-soon's village to make a movie and Y…
  • 又是一天忙碌的开始,化妆师都筑带着妆髮工具来到AV拍片现场,打点忙乱的多P溷战拍摄工作。除了接连的突发状况、情绪化的二百五导演、粗枝大叶的助理之外,都筑还得伺候任性难搞的红牌女优、强势回归的罗莉塔、极度乐观的男人婆、不得志的非主流妹、首次上阵的清纯新星。1间化妆室,5位个性迥异的AV女优,24小时疯狂赶拍。在狭小的换装空间裡,…