搜索 Ward

  • 四对青人男女正准备出席一个舞会,途中误闯进一间阴森大屋,还引出了鬼王。鬼王带领丧尸四出杀戮,四对男女遇害后亦变成丧尸,残杀同类。一个美丽少女与鬼王同归于尽,怎料鬼王死后复活,魔力更上一层……
  •   一位心烦意乱的母亲怀疑她十几岁的儿子正在策划校园枪击案,但当他从系统裂缝中溜走时,她被迫将事情掌握在自己手中。在安家安装了一个精心设计的间谍相机系统后,Abbey拍摄了一系列令人不安的视频,证实了她最害怕的事情。在母亲无条件的爱和母亲敏锐的直觉之间挣扎,Abbey在网上为她的视频迎合所有其他"怪物的母亲"。当雅…
  • 立志当人类历史上第一位宇航员的丹?米尔顿?普雷斯科特(比尔?艾德华斯 Bill Edwards 饰)驾驶代号Y-12的宇宙飞船前往太空,在进入外太空的一刹那,他因为过于兴奋而忽略了总部的命令,最终导致飞船失控。飞船坠入大气层,与总部失去联系。不久,国防部的人找到飞船残骸,而惹出祸端的丹却在女友处潇洒快活。  丹的特立独行给国防部高层留下极…
  • Out of the fifties 'B' Science-Fiction monster movies, this easily ranks as the best. It's most notable as the film that ALIEN is an unaccredited remake of, thus giving it a certain historical significance.  The intriguing plot is about the rescue of the only marooned survivor (Col. Carruthers) of an ill-fated expediti…
  • 在《异形魔怪》第一集中逃过虫吻的硬汉厄尔(佛瑞德华德)与柏特(麦可葛罗斯)再次携手合作,加上美丽的地质学家(海伦薛佛),三人一起对抗这只邪恶的地心怪物,好将它们永远消灭,他们最后能成功吗?
  • The Richardson family celebrates their 28-year-old daughter's pregnancy in Northern California. The celebration is interrupted when a Satanic cult member, Aksel Brandr, pays them an unexpected visit. Aksel, on behalf of the cult's leader Henrik Brandr, offers to pay the family a large sum for ownership of their land. J…
  • 芭儿(布莱娜·布罗恩 Brianna Brown 饰)和强尼(肯·华德 Ken Ward 饰)驱车赶往家乡,去参加阿姨的葬礼。他们的车直接开到墓园,然而这里却空无一人,只有棺木停在墓穴的旁边。正当他们诧异之时,两个奇怪恐怖的男人袭击了准备电话求助的强尼,强尼吓得夺路而逃。芭儿继而发现,这两个人已变成吸血僵尸,连她的妈妈(Marcia Ann …
  • 一个情人节晚上,一对年轻的男女情侣被人发现横尸于情人巷内。经过调查,令人尴尬的是他们竟然已经各自成家,令到他们的家眷都惊讶不已。一晃13年过去了,当年的女遇害者的丈夫汤姆警长(Matt Riedy 饰)一直都还在和女儿曼蒂(Jori Wanquist 饰)因为当年妻子的死而闹别扭;而男遇害者的配偶潘妮(Suzanne Bouchard 饰)一直都还在努…
  • In 1840, a samurai comes home to find his wife in bed with another man, so he kills them both and then himself. Flash-forward to the present day, and an American family of three moves into this since-abandoned house and starts to experience incidents of haunting and possession.
  • A group of documentary filmmakers are filming a TV special about the events which occurred at the famous and mysterious abandoned Cain Hill asylum many years earlier, and the unexplained abductions and murders that have occurred at the site since then. The group soon learn that one of the inmates never left Cain Hill a…