搜索 Vega

  • Antonio Poyju is a sorcerer who belongs to a powerful blood lineage. Antonio is being held in a asylum against his will. After an omen, Antonio understands of a great imminent danger. Her daughter Helena, heir to her blood, will be sacrificed by an evil entity. Helena lost her faith and disbelieves her father. Antonio …
  • Following the success of their feature debut Jennifer’s Shadow (2004) – an exercise in American Gothic set in a scary land called Argentina – Pablo Parés and Daniel de la Vega worked for a US company on a post-mega-disaster wasteland zomb…
  • 佩德罗-德-托罗和他的家人住在一个隐蔽的地方,一个拥有尖端技术的房子/掩体里。佩德罗想离开他用自己的财务知识帮助过的贩毒集团,这是他计划好的一切结束的夜晚。患病的10岁女孩莉娜突然来到安全屋,与此同时,一群将高科技与中世纪武器相结合的职业刺客也来到了安全屋。德托罗的家人似乎将被卡特尔屠杀,直到他发现凶手的目的:杀死无辜的女…
  • 新变种人HD
  • 莫德罗监狱1977HD
    The film tells the story of a young accountant (Herrán) on remand pending trial for embezzlement and possibly facing 10 to 20 years in prison, a disproportionate sentence for the nature of his crime. However, this is 1977 and inside the Mo…
  • <p>yle=color: rgb(88, 88, 88); f>墨西哥秘密警察, 国家安全局局长——费尔南多·巴里恩托斯(Fernando Barrientos)正一步一步攀上墨西哥的权利顶峰。<br/>yle=color: rgb(88, 88, 88); f>  在这条充满阻碍的路上,他将不得不费尽心机,即使需要背叛和杀戮,他也已做好充分的准备。</p>
  • 墨西哥秘密警察, 国家安全局局长——费尔南多·巴里恩托斯(Fernando Barrientos)正一步一步攀上墨西哥的权利顶峰。  在这条充满阻碍的路上,他将不得不费尽心机,即使需要背叛和杀戮,他也已做好充分的准备。
  • 墨西哥秘密警察, 国家安全局局长——费尔南多·巴里恩托斯(Fernando Barrientos)正一步一步攀上墨西哥的权利顶峰。  在这条充满阻碍的路上,他将不得不费尽心机,即使需要背叛和杀戮,他也已做好充分的准备。
  • 热舞飞扬:舞出自由HD
  • An epic romantic adventure based on the life of Billy the Kid, from his humble Irish roots and his early days as a cowboy and gunslinger in the American frontier, to his pivotal role in the Lincoln County War and beyond.