搜索 Paul

  • Audrey Ames是一位有进取心的记者,试图从伊利诺斯州实验农场偶然发现的巨型蝗虫那里得到独家新闻。她努力拯救芝加哥,尽管军队掩盖了一切。
  • 一个女孩从昏迷中醒来,发现自己身处一间陌生旅馆,周围满是与她一样年轻貌美,手脚被捆绑的女孩尸体。另一方面,被妻子抛弃的安德鲁正为女儿的赡养费发愁,一无所有的他选择冒险接下神秘黑帮交付的危险工作。两个互不相识,却同样在悲惨困境奋力求生的人,怎么也没想到彼此的生死,因为命运的交错而产生紧密的连结…
  • With only nightmares for childhood memories, Lily Stone returns to her family home to find out what happened to her parents. Despite the locals' warnings about an evil presence cursing the house, Lily crosses the threshold and discovers not all the ghosts that haunt us are dead.
  • 风光秀丽,细腰丰胸,委内瑞拉亚马逊河流域的奥里诺科河上响彻着欢快热情的歌声。美国大使阿诺德·里吉斯与委内瑞拉外交部长瑟吉奥·科多巴正在进行政治磋商,但是好景不长,他们突然遭到食人鱼群的袭击。血雨腥风,无人生还。不久大使遇害的消息传到美国,国务卿鲍勃·格莱迪(贝瑞·威廉姆斯 Barry Williams 饰)立刻派出特种兵杰森·菲奇(保…
  • In their last attempt to save their marriage, Sara and óscar decide to take a short vacation in a cabin in the woods with their two children. But upon arrival, strange events corrode the tense atmosphere between them a woman prowls the hou…
  • Looking for a quiet escape a couple rent an isolated lakeside cabin on the anniversary of their daughter's death. They soon find themselves wrapped in a terrifying mystery when a strange woman appears and their every move seems to be monitored by a mysterious local sheriff.
  •   女星瑞德曾經紅極一時,隨著年齡增長,她的演藝事業開始走下坡,經紀人昆頓也把全部心力集中在照顧更年輕、更當紅的潘妮洛普身上。瑞德決定走險招賭一把,她把電視主持人及攝影師找來,答應給他們一則獨家新聞,當採訪開始時,瑞德拋出一枚震撼彈,她將一把沾滿鮮血的兇刀放在桌上,不僅承認刀子上的血跡正是女星潘妮洛普所有,更表明警方已…
  • A neglected teen takes refuge in the dreams that used to haunt her and orchestrates a shocking plan to prove her worth to her disapproving parents
  • 前一波的食人鱼攻击终于画上了终点,此时,科学家们惊恐的发现,搅得人们天翻地覆的食人鱼居然还是处在初级形态的幼崽,天知道等到它们长大之时,又会闹出什么乱子!上一次的惨剧给谢尔比(丹妮尔·帕娜贝克DaniellePanabaker饰)的心里留下了深深的阴影,当她得知叔叔要在某处建立大型的豪华水上乐园时,谢尔比感到了强烈的不安。果不其然,不…
  • 在经历了前两集的失败之后,修道士还不死心.他发现那个邪恶的魔方被一个花花公子买走了,于是他以这个花花公子做诱饵来吸引牺牲品,在人间大开杀戒.修道士打算把魔方毁去,这样他就永远不用再回到地狱.但是一个女记者发现了这些可怕的凶杀案,并将修道士又一次送回了地狱.....