搜索 Good

  • 在俄国革命的余波中,Alexander Rostov伯爵发现自己光鲜亮丽的过去将他置于历史的错误面。没有被立刻处决的他,被苏联革命法庭放逐到了大都会酒店的阁楼中,如果他再次踏足户外,将面临死亡。时光流逝,酒店外的俄国经历了最动荡的几十年,而Rostov所处的受限境遇,则让他的精神得以进入一个更为广阔的天地。随着他在酒店内建立起新生活,Ros…
  • 华北地区文成县某大杂院里,从事广告艺术的俞瑞偶然救了因不愿卖身而从桃李园饭庄逃出来的荷花,在警长丁老虎等人的支持下,两人结成了夫妻。不久日军全面侵入大陆,常宝禄投靠恶势力,并设计陷害俞瑞,荷花为救他而落入宪兵队西尾司令手里,俞瑞等加入以丁老虎为队长的游击队,与敌人展开了顽强的斗争……华北地区文成县某大杂院里,从事广告艺…
  • 在《绅士们》中,埃迪·霍尼曼(西奥·詹姆斯)意外地继承了父亲庞大的乡村地产,却发现这是一个大麻帝国的一部分。此外,来自英国黑社会的一群危险人物也想从这次行动中分一杯羹。埃迪决心把家人从他们的魔掌中解救出来,于是试图以黑制黑。然而,卷入犯罪世界之后,他开始沉浸其中无法自拔。
  •   A city PR girl goes on the run accused of leaking information from the military supply company where she works. Chased by ex-soldiers she hides with her brother, a member of a shadowy hacker group, and has to choose between her luxury li…
  • 讲述一个地区受到许多神秘灾难和厄运袭击,因为未知的灵魂透过一名年轻男子来引诱人们,将他们带向令人战栗的命运。
  • A young nurse begins her shift at an old city hospital. After a strange apparition one of the oldest nurse tells her that a patient, Mr. Moore, entered the hospital a few years ago. His body was completely burned after a fire. Mr. Moore was operated urgently by the doctors. But no one wanted to assist him. The pain and…
  • 术士的魔咒从一百多年前流传下来,随著一个家族的隐私深埋地下。一个平静的美国小镇,即将被来自地狱的复仇邪灵,血洗全镇。古曼家族在一百多年前与一位术士订约,术士施魔法史洪福镇风调雨顺,年年丰收。古曼家却因该术士行淫练沾污镇上的妇女,而背约将术士杀死。如今术士的邪灵从地狱里脱困前来报仇。只有克丽儿和古曼家的工头狄伦能解厄运,…
  • A group of documentary filmmakers are filming a TV special about the events which occurred at the famous and mysterious abandoned Cain Hill asylum many years earlier, and the unexplained abductions and murders that have occurred at the site since then. The group soon learn that one of the inmates never left Cain Hill a…
  • Judge William Billy Priest lives in a very patriotic (Confederate) southern town. Priest plays a laid-back, widowed judge who helps uphold the law in his toughest court case yet. In the meantime, he plays matchmaker for his young nephew.
  • <p>  在波特家的地板缝里,居住着波德一家人,波德一族天生拥有着迷你的身材,靠着寄宿在人类家中,向人类借生活必备品维生。这一天,皮特(布莱德利·皮尔斯 Bradley Pierce 饰)向往常一样告别了父母前往学校,而他的父母也双双出门了,整个大房子成为了波德一家人的天下。<br/>  这一次,波德(约翰·古德曼 John Go…