搜索 周二

  • 周二俱乐部HD
    Marie Richardson leads the star ensemble in a heart-warming homage to all mothers, reminding us that it’s never too late for a fresh start in life.  All the old friends are invited to Karin (Richardson) and Sten’s (Bj?rn Kjellman) celebra…
  • A former aristocratic family faces financial hardship and their daughter is introduced to a nice man in the auto repair business, the hope being that a marriage might be of economic assistance to the family. The daughter's family finds it hard to accept this kind of idea and the young man is uncomfortable with the diff…
  • <p>  一天,经营着农场的青山正一(坂本武 饰)收到了一封意料之外的来信,写信的是早年离家出走的女儿阿金(高峰秀子 饰),如今她已经改名为莉莉卡门了。阿金在信中说自己所在的剧团放假了,她要带着女友玛雅(小林敏子 饰)一起回乡探望。<br/>  田口春雄(佐野周二 饰)虽然在战争中失去了双眼,但依然保持着对音乐的热爱,…
  • An affluent medical professor, Komiya, and his bossy wife, Tokio, are to look after Setsuko, their high-spirited niece from Osaka. Setsuko is a liberated woman who does what she wants, including smoking, even though she is a minor. On Saturday, the professor does not feel like going to his weekend golf game, but his wi…
  • 沈玥,一个十八线替身女演员,梦想在表演事业上展露头脚,但因长相平凡和脸上的疤痕,只能一直默默无闻在片场,给女演员做替身。一次意外来临,她被跳楼的顾瑶瑶砸死,由此交换了命运,拥有了顾瑶瑶命运的她,成为了新生代潜力女演员。但她必须在3个月时间里,完成顾瑶瑶的“追到影帝”的愿望。
  • 重生只为追影帝
  • 在日本影坛被誉为「异色电影作家」的铃木清顺,成名于六十年代,作品素以离经叛道的大胆风格见称,但在1967年时却被日活公司以「拍摄叫人看不明白的电影」而公开解雇!铃本控告日活,官司扰攘了接近十年,最后铃木得胜。本片就是铃木在沈默的10年重出江湖的力作,写一名夹在大公司集团、传媒、自私男性和充满嫉妒的同性中间的女子高球手的矛盾心…